Traditional Speciality Guaranteed

The Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) refers to a product for which its specific qualities are related to a composition, methods of manufacturing or processing based on a tradition.

The peculiarity of the Traditional Specialty Guaranteed is defined by two distinct yet highly related elements: the specificity and its traditional element. The TSG is intended to define the composition or traditional mode of production of a product; it is not necessarily intended that this will have a link with its geographical origin.

Traditional Speciality Guaranteed relates to a use of know-how, an ancient practice, typical, national, regional or local specifics, but which could easily be made outside the country or region of origin, or even obtained through manufacture of the product.

TSG only applies to products or foodstuffs.

The rules for preparing a TSG are listed in a brochure and subject to control procedures, implemented by an independent body recognised by the INAO.

Regulatory documents

Code rural et de la pêche maritime, articles R.641-1 à R.641-10

Règlement (UE) n° 1151/2012 du 21 novembre 2012 du Parlement relatif aux systèmes de qualité applicables aux produits agricoles et aux denrées alimentaires