Agriculture Biologique

Organic farming is a production method that combines best environmental practices, respecting biodiversity, the preservation of natural resources and the assurance of a high level of animal welfare.

Throughout the industry, operators engaged in the mode of production and biological transformation meet strict specifications that emphasizes non-polluting environmentally friendly processes that respect the ecosystem and animals.

It is also a mode of production which exclude the use of GMOs and which limits the use of inputs. Rather, it focuses on the use of natural and renewable resources in the context of agricultural systems organized at the local level, and strictly limiting the use of synthetic chemicals.

Finally, organic farming is also keen to strengthen its links with the whole of society: through creation of employment, management participation in planning, preservation and promotion of local skills ...

In summary, the AB is:

  • a system of sustainable management for agriculture.
  • a wide variety of quality food and agricultural products,
  • a source of innovations for agriculture, in an agro-ecological approach


Some data

In France :

  • Nearly 16 500 organic farms (i.e. 3,14% of holdings)
  • 677 513 ha (i.e. 2,46% of useful French agricultural surface)
  • 6 000 operators certified to process organic products
  • More than 25 000 organic operators (producers, processors, distributors and importers)

Organic food market in France :

  • Growth of over 10%/years in the last 10 years
  • Increase purchases by the final consumer of 19% between 2008 and 2009

Within the European Union :

  • 4,3% of total useful farming surface
  • 2,9% of agricultural holdings

Regulatory documents

European Regulation

Règlement (CE) n°834/2007 du 28 juin 2007 relatif à la production biologique et à l’étiquetage des produits biologiques Règlement (CE) n° 889/2008 du 5 septembre 2008 portant modalités d’application du règlement (CE) n°834/2007 relatif à la production biologique et à l’étiquetage des produits biologiques en ce qui concerne la production biologique, l’étiquetage et les contrôles

Règlement (CE) n°889/2008 de la Commission du 5 septembre 2008 portant modalités d’application du règlement (CE) n°834/2008 en ce qui concerne la production biologique, l’étiquetage et les contrôles

Règlement (CE) N° 1235/2008 du 8 décembre 2008 portant modalités d’application du règlement (CE) no 834/2007 en ce qui concerne le régime d’importation de produits biologiques en provenance des pays tiers

French documents

En l'attente de règles de production harmonisées pour ces produits et activités au niveau européen, des cahiers des charges ont été homologués en France :


Rules of use of the mark

The collective mark Organic Farming (AB) is governed by the provisions of the Code of intellectual property rights in force. Its use is subject to a regulation defined by INAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Agro-food and Forestry.