Some data
- 500 specifications approved
- 1,4 billion euros of Turn-over of which 660 million euros for eggs, poultry and foie gras; 500 million for meat and sausages ; 127 million for sea food.
The Label Rouge is a national sign, which refers to products which by their terms of production or manufacture have a higher level of quality compared to other similar products usually marketed.
Quality, in this case, refers to all the properties and characteristics of a product that give it its ability to satisfy explicit or implicit needs.
In addition to the sensory characteristics and their perception, of the Label Rouge product by the consumer, the superior quality is based on:
Products which may benefit from a Label Rouge are food and non-food items as well as non-processed agricultural products.
The Label Rouge is open to all products, regardless of their geographical origin (including outside the European Union).
At all stages of its production and its development, the Label Rouge product must meet the requirements defined in the specifications, validated by the Institut national de l'origine et de la qualité (INAO) and approved by a ministerial order published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
The monitoring of compliance with these requirements and product traceability is ensured by an independent certification body on the basis of a monitoring plan approved by the INAO.
Monitoring of maintenance over time of the high eating quality is ensured by performing regular sensory analysis and organoleptic tests that compare the Label Rouge product with the current product.
A commodity or Label Rouge product may benefit simultaneously from a Protected Geographical Indication or a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed, but not an original (AOC/PDO).
Code Rural et de la pêche maritime, art. R.641-1 à R.641-10